The Voice of Halona Theater – Inspirational

Made possible by the Forgiveness Foundation International
Esther finds herself in a rundown Mojave Desert cabin, surrounded by sand, scorpions, and coyotes. During her year of virtual homelessness, she writes her first novel (Murder in the Movies), a screenwriting textbook (Tools of the ScreenWriting Trade; the only textbook on the subject endorsed by the Writer’s Guild of America) and learns to appreciate the beauty of cactus blossoms. Publication of the novel makes it possible for her to move to Kansas, near daughter Brooke. Once again, Esther becomes ill. This time it is the touch of Jesus’ robe that sets things right. Enroute to a screenwriting workshop in North Carolina, Dean sees to it his mom’s seatmate gets to share the story of his father’s passing. Dean… Love, Mom is a Mojave Beach audio production from its Voice of Halona Theater, sponsored by the Forgiveness Foundation Int’l. It was recorded in Dean Fairweather Studios. Announcers were Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans. Music provided by Fesliyan Studios. Esther Luttrell narrates from her book by the same title.
Running Time 36:44
Divorced and left without funds to move back to California, a back injury calls for surgery. Once again, a miracle changes the course of events. In her darkest moment, Esther pleads with God to tell her what to do, which direction to take. That’s when she hears a voice, clearly and distinctly: “Live your life for me and I will answer your prayers, but I will not think for you.” A sobering statement to say the least. Dean… Love, Mom is a Mojave Beach audio production from its Voice of Halona Theater, sponsored by the Forgiveness Foundation Int’l. It was recorded in Dean Fairweather Studios. Announcers were Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans. Music provided by Fesliyan Studios. Esther Luttrell narrates from her book by the same title.
Running time: 33:37
Nearly midnight in a Florida supermarket. A tiny woman with a face etched in sorrow, asks Esther to hear her story. Because of what Dean had shown his mother since his passing, Esther is able to offer comfort, even enlightenment, to a grieving widow. The experiences continue from all directions, all sources. A student in Esther’s Providence, RI screenwriting workshop is one of many who sees Dean manifest onstage while she is lecturing. Is Dean in evidence or is God in evidence when Esther is given 12 hours advance notice of her mother’s unexpected passing? Is the healing of a family pet more evidence of God? Esther understands that her job isn’t to keep what she’s learning to herself. The message is clear: “Go out and tell them, Mom. Life and love are eternal.” Dean… Love, Mom is a Mojave Beach audio production from its Voice of Halona Theater, sponsored by the Forgiveness Foundation Int’l. It was recorded in Dean Fairweather Studios. Announcers were Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans. Music provided by Fesliyan Studios. Esther Luttrell narrates from her book by the same title.
Running time: 30:56
Who is the mysterious “Dean” calling collect from Rome, Italy? Esther is talking to a friend in another state when he asks her to wait while he gets rid of an incoming call. Returning to the line, he seems angry that someone the operator identified as “Dean” wanted him to accept a collect call. Esther knows that deceased loved ones often communicate through electronic means. Further investigation through the phone company reveals that no collect calls, no international calls, in fact, no calls at all had been placed to her friend’s number that entire evening. Esther had learned something new from her son almost every day since his passing the previous April. Now she was to learn that dogs have souls and that a unicorn with green horns can be an effective means of communication, too. Dean… Love, Mom is a Mojave Beach audio production from its Voice of Halona Theater, sponsored by the Forgiveness Foundation Int’l. It was recorded in Dean Fairweather Studios. Announcers were Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans. Music provided by Fesliyan Studios. Esther Luttrell narrates from her book by the same title.
Running time: 30:14
Events leading to a workshop Esther was to give in Concord, MA were no more strange than events had been since Dean’s passing more than seven months before – the sister of a young man electrocuted in a storm-related accident phones Esther after a bolt of electricity goes through her body when she sees Esther’s name in a NY newspaper. She has to know why. The unexpected has become the expected by now. Another cosmic curve is thrown Esther’s way when she’s confronted by a ghost in a century-old Concord, MA farmhouse. Reflecting on the incident, she remembers whispering into the darkness that night, “Thank you, Dean, for showing me that paranormal is perfectly normal.” Dean… Love, Mom is a Mojave Beach audio production from its Voice of Halona Theater, sponsored by the Forgiveness Foundation Int’l. It was recorded in Dean Fairweather Studios. Announcers were Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans. Music provided by Fesliyan Studios. Esther Luttrell narrates from her book by the same title.
Running time: 27:10
Dean had been gone for nearly five months. It seemed like only days to Esther. The pain was still raw though the faith was strong. Mom and son had established that both believed in life after death. What Esther isn’t prepared for is such dramatic proof. Dean, solid as any human on earth, appears outside her office window with a young man who had committed suicide a few weeks earlier. By “coincidence” the young man’s mother is on the phone with Esther, trying to determine why she felt compelled to call someone she doesn’t even know. Dean’s message is clear: “Tell her what you and I already know, Mom. Tell her that life and love never die. Tell her that her boy is fine.” In this episode, Dean also takes Esther to an eerily silent planet where he continues to work on his spirituality and, later, puts her in touch with a grieving Texas mother. Dear Dean… Love, Mom is a Mojave Beach Production, produced through The Voice of Halona Theater and made possible by the Forgiveness Foundation Int’l. It was recorded in Dean Fairweather Studios. Announcers were Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans. Music provided by Fesliyan Studios. Esther Luttrell narrates from her book by the same title.
Running time: 35:17
When Dean, his stepdad, and Esther visit Esther’s mother-in-law, a child mysteriously appears in the guest room where Dean’s sleeping…a child who had died more than 40 years ago. Later, Esther would wonder if the reason Dean was able to communicate with her from the other side was because, on that visit, they were both receptive to the concept of eternal life. Esther Luttrell narrates this true story of life-after-death from her book of the same name. Dear Dean…Love, Mom is a Mojave Beach Production, produced through its Voice of Halona theater of inspiration. It was recorded in Dean Fairweather Studios. Announcers were Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans. Music provided by Fesliyan Studios. Post-production consultant, Patrick McGranahan.
Running time 24:59
Esther Luttrell was with her son when she whispered, “Run along to your real Father, sweetheart., You were never mine. You were only on loan. Soar, precious. I’ll be along soon enough.” And so began Dean’s journey to the Other Side and an incredible 13 years to follow as he brought his mother other parents who had lost loved ones. His message to his mom: “Life and love are eternal. The bond cannot be broken. I’ve proven it to you, Mom, now go tell them.” From MBP’s Voice of Halona, Mojave’s theater of inspiration, sponsored by the Forgiveness Foundation International. Recorded in Dean Fairweather Studios. The announcers were Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans. Music provided by Fesliyan Studios. Postproduction consultant, Patrick McGranahan. 8 episodes.
Running time 32:46
Mojave Beach Productions’ founder-producer Esther Luttrell shares an uplifting, thought-provoking, 44 minutes with WREN radio personality Jack Diamond, exploring the power and the purpose of their own personal spiritual encounters. Was there a connection between the healing Kahuna Stones of Hawaii and the legendary St-Germaine? Was either, or both, responsible for Jack’s miraculous recovery? Is there substance to Esther’s claim that her deceased son came to give her a message: “Life and love are eternal. Go out and tell them, Mom”? The suicide of Diamond’s 15-year-old son opens the door to a candid and in-depth discussion of after-life communication. From The Voice of Halona, MBP’s theater of inspiration. Theme created and performed by David Fesliyan of Fesliyan Studios.
Running time: 45:09
Who or what are angels? What is their purpose? Can they take on the form of humans when help is needed? Is life eternal or does it end with this earthly experience? Mojave Beach Productions and The Voice of Halona present “Angels in Evidence”, made possible by their sponsor, The Forgiveness Foundation International. MBP producer Esther Luttrell and co-host Jack Diamond, of Internet radio station WREN, share amazingly candid personal angelic experiences and observations. The Voice of Halona theme was composed and performed by David Fesliyan of Fesliyan Studios. Patrick McGranahan served as post-production executive and shares announcer’s credit with Jeff Evans.
Running time: 49:32
How anyone be expected to believe that God can and does hear them—or even believe there is a kind and loving God—in the midst of so much pain and chaos in this world? Evidence of God is a gentle reminder of the power of faith, even when we think we don’t have it. At the end of each chapter is a question you may want to ask yourself, and space for notes. Perfect for individual reflection or group study. Mohave Beach Productions and The Voice of Halona present this thought-provoking audio, made possible by the Forgiveness Foundation International and narrated by Esther Luttrell, author of a book by the same title. The Voice of Halona Theme was composed and performed by David Fesliyan of Fesliyan Studios ( Patrick McGranahan co-produced with Esther.
Running Time 58:10
From the pain of losing a young child, to her own health crisis and the miracle of a complete healing, Esther Luttrell continues to find evidence of God at every turn. Told in a conversational, even intimate way, the story is inspirational, warm, even humorous. Sponsored by the Forgiveness Foundation, Int’l.
Running Time 1:04:07
This is a thought-provoking, soul-searching, teddy bear of a book. Grab onto it and read it whenever you need a spiritual lift — it’s as good as a cup of hot tea and a warm fire on a wintry night.” 5-star Amazon review. “Reading Evidence of God must have released some hidden or repressed emotions because it made me cry like a baby. Incredibly touching and powerful. Thank you.” 5-star Amazon review, Finland. Theme was composed and performed by David Fesliyan of Fesliyan Studios ( Patrick McGranahan, VP post production, also co-produced with Luttrell.
Running time: 36:52
This theater is brought to you by
The Forgiveness Foundation is a non-religious organization dedicated to helping people forgive. This is achieved by using clinical research and Neuroscience findings and conventional counseling. Our goal is to help families, groups, and communities increase good-will, kindness, and peace worldwide.
“Back in 2000, I was sitting thinking about the six-week trip across the USA that I had just taken with my daughter. I was wondering about whether I should go back to Hawaii as a school psychotherapist or return to California to be closer to my daughter, when suddenly, but peacefully, my mind opened to a vision of the earth on the wall in front of me. I saw it as if from God’s view, seeing the whole planet AND individuals all over it. As I watched, all over our planet, I saw people helping each other forgive, one after another letting go of their resentments in coffee shops, offices, churches, homes, etc. Throughout this time, I kept hearing “the forgiveness foundation” and seeing forgiveness centers that seemed to be a support in each area to help spread this healing activity. Eventually, the harmony and love completely filled the earth. While I was viewing this brighter, softer world, I heard, “Do you want to take this on?” I decided, as we all have in the Foundation, to make that vision come true. In 2003, the Forgiveness Foundation was recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit.”
– Dr. Jim Dincalci, Founder