An Adventure of Mind and Intellect
Mojave Beach Productions’ writer-producer, Esther Luttrell, and co-host Dianne Lawson, recount their personal other-worldly experiences in this audio podcast from the Podcast Excursions series. Dianne’s encounter with ghosts in her house and in her son’s renovated farm mansion mix well with Esther’s tales of the ghost who delivered her mail, the favorite grandfather who died years before she was born, and the husband who handed her a copy of his wife’s book four years after his death. Chilling enough to entertain. Believable enough to make you think. Jeff Evans and Jack Diamond are the announcers. David Fesliyan, of Fesliyan Studios, provided the eerie background music. The theme was written and performed by Toni Beaulieu.
Running Time: 51:39
You’ve got a terrific idea for a podcast, but no clue how to get started. Mojave Beach Productions producers, Esther Luttrell and Patrick McGranahan, introduce entrepreneurs Eric and Amber Beel, of Different Mix, an online company designed to answer questions like “What recording equipment do I need? What kind of headset and microphone should I get? I want to just hit RECORD and talk. I don’t want to learn the technical aspects of podcasting. Can I do that through your company? Who will distribute my podcasts? How often do I need to release a new podcast?” The best investment an aspiring podcaster might make is the 44 minutes it takes to listen to Eric and Amber’s advice given in layman’s language. From MBP’s Podcast Excursion theater, theme written and performed by Toni Beaulieu, made available to MBP through the courtesy of Jack Allen.
Running Time: 44:15
Is our dream state a continuation of our waking state with the soul’s silver cord holding the two together? How do loved ones appear in another person’s sleeping state the moment they pass over? Mojave Beach producer, Esther Luttrell, and co-host Dianne Lawson explore DREAMS: THEIR POWER & THEIR PURPOSE with guest Joanne Young. Podcast Excursions, a conversation theater. Theme by Toni Beaulieu through the courtesy of Jack Allen. Announcers Jack Diamond and Jeff Evans.
Running time: 41:04
The flames of the Civil War deeply scarred society, economy, and politics. Civilians, once only spectators, became unwilling participants and victims. No one tells the tale with more passion and insight than nationally acclaimed speaker, TV personality, author, and historian, Deb Goodrich, in “Stories from Civil War Tombstones”. The fifth non-scripted, conversational episode from Mojave Beach Productions’ new audio series, Podcast Excursions. Host Esther Luttrell. Theme composed and performed by Toni Beaulieu, through the courtesy of Jack Allen.
Running time: 29:20
One combat veteran, Brandonn Mixon, and his five buddies, are changing the lives of homeless ex-servicemen and woman across the country. Mojave Beach Productions’ Fourth of July Podcast Excursion with veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Brandon Mixon, and host Esther Luttrell. When Mixon’s hopes of becoming a career military man were shattered by a medical discharge at age 22, the 2-year battle with severe depression and thoughts of suicide gave way to a determination to see that homeless vets are treated with the honor and respect they so richly deserve. This is the story of how Mixon and five of his veteran buddies are changing the lives of former servicemen and woman, living in parks and under bridges, by building beautiful tiny house communities across the nation. In creating the privately funded Veterans Community Project, these young men have become heroes in every sense of the word. Esther Luttrell produced. Patrick McGranahan was the post-production supervisor.
Running Time: 46:25
Her own personal encounters as told by Esther Luttrell
Her own true, documented personal story as told by Esther Luttrell in this Mojave Beach audio production.
“I may not be a nuclear physicist, but I know a solid metallic object hovering just twenty feet over my head from a malfunctioning weather balloon,” Luttrell says in this straightforward account of her very up-close and personal experiences. Quotations at the end of the program, delivered by Patrick McGranahan and Carter Lord, are taken directly from official, declassified, reports by astronauts, military intelligence, a foreign leader, and a U.S. president. McGranahan co-produced with Luttrell. The score was composed and performed by David Fesliyan and Steve Oxen of Fesliyan Studios. Jeff Evans is the announcer.
Running Time: 39:45
Podcast Excursions guest, Cheryl Schroeder, remembers choosing to be born to a Native American couple never realizing the father would be an alcoholic, the mother a dysfunctional and indifferent parent, and her grandfather a cruel and physically abusive child molester. Despite abject poverty and mistreatment, Cheryl tells of her deep connection to a God she knows as pure Love. Not the death of her grandchild nor the murder of her beloved younger sister has caused that faith to waiver. Co-hosts, Mojave Beach Productions producer, Esther Luttrell, and astrologer-author Dianne Lawson, join Cheryl in a discussion on the ways in which Spirit ties into planets, stars and the supernatural. Patrick McGranahan was co-producer. Podcast Excursions’ theme, composed and performed by Toni Beaulieu, was made available to Mojave Beach Productions through the courtesy of Jack Allen.
Running time: 44:41
Mojave Beach Productions producers: Esther Luttrell and Patrick McGranahan, sits for a conversation with the Nation’s #1 Christian radio host, author, and speaker, Peter Rosenberger. The honest exchange revolves around Peter’s 30-plus-years of being his wife’s caregiver. Peter has experienced it all: patience, impatience, trust, frustration, pain, confusion, and joy, yet never lost faith in God – or his sense of humor. This discussion is more than a recitation of his own journey, but is also great advice for the planet’s other 65 million caregivers.
Running time: 41:47
On the twentieth anniversary of Haley’s rescue, Mojave Beach Productions launched its newest series, Podcast Excursions, with this candid and intelligently told story, Little Girl Lost. April 29, 2001 six-year-old Haley Zega made headlines when she vanished into the Ozark National Forest, a disappearance that sparked the largest search effort in Arkansas history. After 52 hours without food or water, she was found alive and well. Could the fact she survived in an area teeming with poisonous snakes, mountain lions and bears have anything to do with the four-year-old child who mysteriously appeared and remained Haley’s companion until her miraculous rescue? The subject of a one-hour Dateline episode, and a central figure in an authorized book written by Tim Ernst, 26-year -old Haley, and her mother, Kelly, share their harrowing experience with host Esther Luttrell. Patrick McGranahan and Luttrell co-produced. Jeff Evans was the announcer. Podcast Excursions theme was composed and performed by Toni Beaulieu. Running Time: 65 minutes.
Running Time: 1hr 6 min